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中网市场发布: 天津欧溥众建材科技有限公司门窗阳光房
编辑:zixun_1 发布时间:2017-11-12   动态次数: 178204
资讯导读:中网市场发布: 天津欧溥众建材科技有限公司专业从事研发生产门窗阳光房等产品,真诚欢迎您的光临!地址:天津市西青区张家窝镇石化路3号,联系电话:022-27971877,手机:18698007817,总经理刘炎林率全体员工真诚欢迎您的光临!


 中网市场发布: 天津欧溥众建材科技有限公司

Tianjin Ou Pu Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is a focus on new building materials design and development, distribution, production, sales and service as one of the innovative technology companies. Over the years, the company has been focusing on the research and development of new building materials innovation, the company produced a new type of sun room system, luxury doors and windows, pavilions, grapevines, shading system, Villa Tongmen, aluminum and other high-end outdoor building materials and other products to provide one-stop supply services .


来源: 中网市场
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  • 产品不错
  • 款式新颖
  • 价格合理
  • 交货及时
  • 讲究信用
  • 服务周到
  • 待人和气
  • 交通方便




